Posted by September 1, 2016
on A few weeks ago Edge 38 (also known as Edge 14) was released. We just finished installing and setting it up in our browser cloud. Everyone can now cross-browser test their webapps in Edge browser!

Try Edge in Browserling now!
It wouldn't be Microsoft if they didn't create confusion around version numbers. Edge is both version 38 and version 14. Go figure.
Here are all the new features and changes in Edge 14 (compared to Internet Explorer 11):
- Official support for browser extensions.
- Reading list items and favorites are now synced.
- New experimental flags.
- New Tab page.
- Set as default PDF reader for Windows 10.
- Full screen support.
- Improved favorites management.
- Object RTC API now fully supported.
- Download reminders.
- Experimental support for VP9.
- Dark theme.
- Favorite Tree View improvements.
- Updated Settings pane.
- Hub options are now available in the ellipses menu.
- Swipe gestures to navigate back and forward.
- Address bar at the bottom on phones.
- Tabs can now be previewed by hovering over them.
- Experimental support for Beacon.
- Stability improvements.
- Improved render engine with Pointer Lock support, canvas blending modes, asm.js support by default and more.
- Basic support for Object RTC.
- Localhost loopback is now enabled by default.
- Improved hub.
- Rebranded as Microsoft Edge.
- Performance improvements.
- Ability to copy and paste links in Microsoft Edge added.
- Open Internet Explorer from ellipses menu.
- Improved tab management.
- Pin sites to start.
- Improved F12 developer tools.
- Support for Beacon, Web Notifications and Fetch API.
- Pinned tab support added.
- Updated about:flags page.
- Import favorites from other browsers.
- Default save locations can be changed.
- Improved download management.
- Improved accessibility.
- Preliminary extension support added.
- Context menu for navigation buttons.
- InPrivate browsing.
- Media Casting.
- Cortana Integration with PDFs.
- EdgeHTML has been updated to version 14.
- Experimental JavaScript ES6 Regex symbols support.
- Fixed an issue where Edge would refresh the tab if you pressed caps lock in a password field.
- Revamped Settings pane.
- New JavaScript features.
- Support for PDFs
- Optional Home-button.
- Initial foundation work for EdgeHTML 14.
- Preview support for VP9 video format added.
- Hubs can now be pinned.
- Download manager.
- New Web Platform features.
Happy cross-browser testing in Edge 14!
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