Opera 18 just got released today. We jumped in excitement and installed it to Browserling's browser cloud. It's now available to all customers and free users for cross-browser testing. Opera 18 is based on Chrome 31.

Try Opera 18 in Browserling now!
Key new features in Opera 18
- Browser tab enhancements
You can now drag tabs between open windows.
- Themes
You can now customize Opera 18 by installing themes from addons.opera.com via the theme manager.
- Media access
Opera 18 allows websites to access your camera and microphone. This also includes support for HTML5 media access.
- Rocker gestures
Navigate back and forward between pages in a tab's history by rocking your fingers across your mouse buttons.
- Chromium 31
Opera 18 includes a copy of Chromium and Blink 31 rendering engine.
Key developer features in Opera 18
- getUserMedia and WebRTC
Camera and microphone with getUserMedia is now enabled. GetUserMedia is part of WebRTC, a free, open project that enables web browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple Javascript APIs.
- Improved Extension APIs
Opera 18 adds the following APIs to extensions: chrome.permissions, chrome.browsingData, chrome.contentSettings, chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow, chrome.devtools.network, chrome.devtools.panels, chrome.omnibox, chrome.pageCapture, chrome.privacy, and chrome.types.
Key improvements since Opera 17
- In Windows you can now set the browser language from the Settings page.
- Enhanced support for Chromium extensions.
- Various stability enhancements.
- Custom search engines can be created from form context menu. Right-click in Windows/Linux (or Ctrl-click on Mac) in any webpage's search form to create your own search engine.
Happy cross-browser testing in Opera 18!
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