Posted by June 11, 2014
on Yesterday evening Firefox 30 was released and we just finished deploying it to our servers early in the morning today. The new Mozilla Firefox 30 browser is now available to all our paying and free customers.

Try Firefox 30 in Browserling now!
The new Firefox 30 features include:
- Sidebars button in browser chrome enables faster access to social, bookmark, & history sidebars.
- Mac OS X command-E sets find term to selected text.
Firefox 30 biggest changes include:
- Disallow calling WebIDL constructors as functions on the web.
- Plugins will no longer be activated by default.
Firefox 30 developer tool updates include:
- Support for GStreamer 1.0.
- Fixes to box-shadow and other visual overflow.
- Mute and volume available per window when using WebAudio.
- Background-blend-mode enabled by default.
- Use of line-height allowed for <input type="reset|button|submit">.
- ES6 array and generator comprehensions implemented.
- Error stack now contains column number.
- Support for alpha option in canvas context options.
- Insecure NTLM (pre-NTLMv2) authentication disabled.
- Ignore autocomplete="off" when offering to save passwords via the password manager.
- TypedArrays don't support new named properties.
Firefox 30 fixes include:
- Insecure NTLM (pre-NTLMv2) authentication disabled.
- Ignore autocomplete="off" when offering to save passwords via the password manager.
- TypedArrays don't support new named properties.
Firefox 30 security fixes include:
- Buffer overflow in Gamepad API.
- Buffer overflow in Web Audio Speex resampler.
- Use-after-free with SMIL Animation Controller.
- Use-after-free in Event Listener Manager.
- Clickjacking through cursor invisibility after Flash interaction.
- Use-after-free and out of bounds issues found using Address Sanitizer.
- Miscellaneous memory safety hazards(rv:30.0 / rv:24.6).
Known issues in Firefox 30:
- Mac OS X: cmd-L no longer opens a new window when no window is available.
- Errors loading scripts inside eval scripts with Developer Tools open.
- Without affecting security, after restoring your session, Extended Validation Certificates might not display.
- Slow shut downs lead to 'Firefox is already running' warning.
- Mac OS X and Windows: Citrix Receiver no longer works. As a workaround, mark the plugin as Always Enable in the addon manager.
Happy cross-browser testing!
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