Posted by August 26, 2014
on Today Google Chrome team released Chrome 37 on Windows, Mac and Linux. We just deployed Chrome 37 to all platforms at Browserling and it's now available to all our users!

Try Chrome 37 in Browserling now!
Significant changes in Chrome 37:
- DirectWrite support on Windows for improved font rendering.
- A number of new apps/extension APIs.
- Multiple stability and performance improvements.
- Removal of the showModalDialog API, breaking several enterprise web apps.
- Windows 64-bit support.
Significant changes in Android version of Chrome 37:
- Signing in to Chrome signs you in to your favorite Google sites.
- Updated look and feel with elements of Material Design.
- Multiple performance improvements and bug fixes.
Chrome 37 implements the following new features and updates:
- <dialog> Element - An HTML element for a dialog box.
- CSS "all" shorthand - The all property is a shorthand that resets all CSS properties except direction and unicode-bidi. It only accepts the CSS-wide keywords.
- CSS Shapes Module Level 1 - CSS Shapes allows one to specify a geometric "shape-outside" for a float. Content will wrap around the float's shape-outside, instead of its rectangular boundary. The shape-outside property can be specified with a geometric primitive, like an ellipse or a polygon, or by the pixels of an image's alpha channel whose values are greater than shape-image-threshold. A shape-outside's boundary can be uniformly expanded with the shape-margin property.
- Cross Origin Font Loading Restriction - Aligning with the specification (and other browsers) and blocking cross origin font loading, unless the response include the appropriate CORS headers.
- DirectWrite on Windows - Use DirectWrite instead of GDI for text on Windows.
- Fractional TouchEvent co-ordinates - Updates co-ordinates returned by TouchEvent objects to include the full precision provided by the underlying platform.
- Navigator.hardwareConcurrency - This is a new attribute on the Navigator object. It returns the number of tasks that can be run efficiently in parallel on the current system under ideal circumstances.
- NavigatorLanguage: navigator.languages and languagechange event - navigator.languages will expose the Accept Languages and languageevent (fired on the Window object) will notify of a change in this value. The goal is to allow web applications to handle i18n on the client side, thus allowing offline applications to react to user language changes.
- Subpixel font scaling - Allow sub-css-pixel font-sizes and thus smooth font scaling.
- Web Crypto API - JavaScript bindings for cryptographic operations.
The new release also includes 50 security fixes. Chrome team highlighted the following fixes that were contributed by external researchers:
- CVE-2014-3176, CVE-2014-3177: A special reward to lokihardt@asrt for a combination of bugs in V8, IPC, sync, and extensions that can lead to remote code execution outside of the sandbox.
- CVE-2014-3168: Use-after-free in SVG. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
- CVE-2014-3169: Use-after-free in DOM. Credit to Andrzej Dyjak.
- CVE-2014-3170: Extension permission dialog spoofing. Credit to Rob Wu.
- CVE-2014-3171: Use-after-free in bindings. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
- CVE-2014-3172: Issue related to extension debugging. Credit to Eli Grey.
- CVE-2014-3173: Uninitialized memory read in WebGL. Credit to jmuizelaar.
- CVE-2014-3174: Uninitialized memory read in Web Audio. Credit to Atte Kettunen from OUSPG.
- CVE-2014-3175: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives (Chrome 37).
Happy cross-browser testing in Chrome 37!
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