Posted by September 3, 2014
on Mozilla released Firefox 32 yesterday and we just added it on all OS platforms at Browserling. You can already cross-browser test your sites and code in Firefox 32!

Try Firefox 32 in Browserling now!
The new Firefox 32 features include:
- New HTTP cache provides improved performance including crash recovery.
- Integration of generational garbage collection.
- Public key pinning support enabled.
- View historical use information for logins stored in password manager.
- Display the number of found items in the find toolbar.
- Easier back, forward, reload, and bookmarking through the context menu.
- Lower Sorbian [dsb] locale added.
Firefox 32 biggest changes include:
- Removed and turned off trust bit for some 1024-bit root certificates.
- Performance improvements to Password Manager and Add-on Manager.
Firefox 32 HTML5 updates include:
- drawFocusIfNeeded enabled by default.
- ECMAScript 6 built-in method Array#copyWithin implemented.
- CSS position:sticky enabled by default.
- mix-blend-mode enabled by default.
- New Array built-in: Array.from().
- navigator.languages property and languagechange event implemented.
- Vibration API updated to latest W3C spec.
- CSS box-decoration-break replaces -moz-background-inline-policy.
- box-decoration-break enabled by default.
Firefox 32 developer tool updates include:
- HiDPI support in Developer Tools UI.
- Inspector button moved to the top left.
- Hidden nodes displayed differently in the markup-view.
- New Web Audio Editor.
- Code completion and inline documentation added to Scratchpad.
Firefox 32 fixes include:
- Mac OS X: cmd-L does not open a new window when no window is available.
- Text Rendering Issues on Windows 7 with Platform Update KB2670838 (MSIE 10 Prerequisite) or on Windows 8.1.
Firefox 32 security fixes include:
- Use-after-free setting text directionality.
- Profile directory file access through file: protocol.
- Out-of-bounds read in Web Audio audio timeline.
- Uninitialized memory use during GIF rendering.
- Use-after-free during DOM interactions with SVG.
- Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:32.0 / rv:31.1 / rv:24.8).
Happy cross-browser testing!
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