Posted by December 1, 2014
on A few hours ago today the new Firefox 34 was released and we've happy to announce that it's already available at Browserling. You can already cross-browser test your websites in Firefox 34!

Try Firefox 34 in Browserling now!
The new Firefox 34 features include:
- Default search engine changed to Yandex for Belarusian, Kazakh, and Russian locales.
- Improved search bar (en-US only).
- Firefox Hello real-time communication client.
- Easily switch themes/personas directly in the Customizing mode.
- Wikipedia search now uses HTTPS for secure searching (en-US only).
- Recover from a locked Firefox process in the "Firefox is already running" dialog on Windows.
Firefox 34 biggest changes include:
- Disabled SSLv3.
- Proprietary window.crypto properties/functions re-enabled (to be removed in Firefox 35).
- Firefox signed by Apple OS X version 2 signature.
Firefox 34 HTML5 updates include:
- ECMAScript 6 WeakSet Implemented.
- JavaScript Template Strings Implemented.
- CSS3 Font variants and features control (e.g. kerning) implemented.
- WebCrypto: RSA-OAEP, PBKDF2 and AES-KW support.
- WebCrypto: wrapKey and unwrapKey implemented.
- WebCrypto: Import/export of JWK-formatted keys.
- matches() DOM API implemented (formerly mozMatchesSelector()).
- for workers implemented.
- WebCrypto: ECDH support.
Firefox 34 developer tool updates include:
- WebIDE: Create, edit, and test a new Web application from your browser.
- Highlight all nodes that match a given selector in the Style Editor and the Inspector's Rules panel.
- Improved User Interface of the Profiler.
- console.table function added to web console.
Firefox 34 fixes include:
- CSS transitions start correctly when started at the same time as changes to display, position, overflow, and similar properties.
- Fullscreen video on Mac disables display sleep, and dimming, during playback.
- Various Yosemite visual fixes.
Firefox 34 security fixes include:
- Update OpenH264 plugin to version 1.3.
- Privileged access to security wrapped protected objects.
- Apple CoreGraphics framework on OS X 10.10 logging input data to /tmp directory.
- Bad casting from the BasicThebesLayer to BasicContainerLayer.
- Buffer overflow while parsing media content.
- Use-after-free during HTML5 parsing.
- CSP leaks redirect data via violation reports.
- XMLHttpRequest crashes with some input streams.
- XBL bindings accessible via improper CSS declarations.
- Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:34.0 / rv:31.3).
Happy cross-browser testing!
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