Today Google released the stable version of Chrome 44 on Windows, Mac and Linux. We just installed Chrome 44 to all our OS platforms and it's now available to all our customers and free plan users.

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Significant changes in Chrome 44:
- A number of new apps/extension APIs.
- Change in the loading page circle on Chrome tabs.
- Lots of under the hood changes for stability and performance.
Significant changes in Android version of Chrome 44:
- Fixed a boatload of bugs and performance issues.
Significant changes in iOS version of Chrome 44:
- Swipe to navigate: swipe right or left to navigate backwards and forwards.
- Support for accessing Physical Web content from the Today view.
- Stability improvements and bug fixes.
Chrome 44 implements the following new features and updates:
- Cache.add() - add() takes a RequestInfo object, fetches it and adds the response object into this Cache object.
- Computed Property Names (ES6) - Allows expression for property names in object literals and class literals.
- Document.scrollingElement - Simple API to indicate whether 'body' or 'documentElement' is used for scrolling. Used to ease transition to spec-compliant scrolling behavior.
- and ServiceWorkerRegistration.getNotifications() - Support for the attribute, which allows authors to attach some (immutable) data to a persistent Web. Notification they are displaying. Support for the static ServiceWorkerRegistration.getNotifications() method for getting all existing persistent notifications created by the current origin.
- Request.context - Request.context contains the context of the Request, such as "fetch", "image", "script", "frame", etc.
- WebAudio: ChannelMergerNode Static Routing - This is to change the behavior of ChannelMergerNode when the input changes dynamically. There have been critical issues with the previous. implementation. To address these issues, a new proposal for the ChannelMergerNode was made. The proposal effectively makes the channel order in the merger node static after the instantiation.
- WebAudio: Disallow setting AudioBufferSourceNode.buffer more than once - Setting AudioBufferSourceNode.buffer again after it has already been set to a non-null buffer is no longer allowed and will generate an exception. This feature was deprecated and is now being removed.
- beforeinstallprompt event for web/native app install banners.
The new release also includes 43 security fixes. Google Chrome team highlighted these fixes that were contributed by external security researchers:
- CVE-2015-1271: Heap-buffer-overflow in pdfium. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
- CVE-2015-1273: Heap-buffer-overflow in pdfium. Credit to makosoft.
- CVE-2015-1274: Settings allowed executable files to run immediately after download. Credit to andrewm.bpi.
- CVE-2015-1275: UXSS in Chrome for Android. Credit to WangTao(neobyte) of Baidu X-Team.
- CVE-2015-1276: Use-after-free in IndexedDB. Credit to Collin Payne.
- CVE-2015-1279: Heap-buffer-overflow in pdfium. Credit to mlafon.
- CVE-2015-1280: Memory corruption in skia. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
- CVE-2015-1281: CSP bypass. Credit to Masato Kinugawa.
- CVE-2015-1282: Use-after-free in pdfium. Credit to Chamal de Silva.
- CVE-2015-1283: Heap-buffer-overflow in expat. Credit to sidhpurwala.huzaifa.
- CVE-2015-1284: Use-after-free in blink. Credit to Atte Kettunen of OUSPG.
- CVE-2015-1286: UXSS in blink. Credit to anonymous.
- CVE-2015-1290: Memory corruption in V8. Credit to Yongjun Liu of NSFOCUS Security Team.
- CVE-2015-1287: SOP bypass with CSS. Credit to filedescriptor.
- CVE-2015-1270: Uninitialized memory read in ICU. Credit to Atte Kettunen of OUSPG.
- CVE-2015-1272: Use-after-free related to unexpected GPU process termination. Credit to Chamal de Silva.
- CVE-2015-1277: Use-after-free in accessibility. Credit to SkyLined.
- CVE-2015-1278: URL spoofing using pdf files. Credit to Chamal de Silva.
- CVE-2015-1285: Information leak in XSS auditor. Credit to gazheyes.
- CVE-2015-1288: Spell checking dictionaries fetched over HTTP. Credit to
- CVE-2015-1289: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives.
Happy cross-browser testing in Chrome 44!
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