Connection disconnected

2 replies. Asked on 2015-03-24 by Seth
I received several messages, while working with different browsers today, stating that my connection had been disconnected. Is there an issue that needs to be resolved by me or browserling? Or is this just a random occurence?
All answers
Peter Krumins staff
Answered on 2015-03-26
Hi Seth,

It seems to have been a random occurrence. We haven't logged any service issues. A disconnect message happens when your browser loses the connection with our virtual machines.

I recommend that you use Chrome as it has the best performance when working with Browserling.

If this happens again, please let me know.

Peter Krumins
CEO of Browserling
Answered on 2015-07-28
Hi Peter,

I must report that I have been having the same problem. While working in IE 9 and IE 10, I receive a "Disconnected" message. It is occurring with increasing frequency.
As you know, I am unable to use any browser beside IE.
Could you please help?

Thank you,

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